
[2008 NM Trip] Balloon Fiesta 1

2008 的十月初,走訪了新墨西哥州的 Albuquerque,參觀一年一度的熱氣球節,順便去過生日。

熱氣球節是新墨西哥第一大城 Albuquerque 一年一度的盛事,從 1972 年開始,今年己經是第 37 屆。從第一年的 13 個氣球到現在的 750 個,Albuquerque 的氣球節成為全世界氣球數目最多、最盛大的熱氣球節 (International Balloon Fiesta) 。Albuquerque 中文翻譯非常混亂,有的叫阿布奎基,也有叫阿爾伯克基,我看還是用英文吧 。

從下飛機開始,一路上的入境大廳、廣告看板、甚至許多旅館的裝飾,都能讓人感受到這個節慶氣氛。熱氣球節為期十天,橫跨了兩個周末。過程中活動很多,不過最盛大的就是其中六天清晨的氣球升空 (Mass Ascension),我們選擇參加第一天的活動。








氣球可真是巨大啊。一般水滴狀的氣球大約有 25 公尺高,人在氣球前面都顯得渺小。








來張逆光的,只看得清楚氣球形狀。氣球的構造其實很簡單,上半部是可充氣的氣囊 (Envelope),下面載人的是吊籃 (Gondola or basket),中間用繩子接起來。












藍藍的天,看著五彩繽紛的熱氣球緩緩升空。真是個不錯的慶生方式啊 :)



[2008 NM Trip] Balloon Fiesta 2
[2008 NM Trip] 熱氣球升空

7 迴響:

yaoyaoa 提到...


btw, you need citation ;P

Wei-jen Hsu 徐偉仁 提到...

熱氣球看起來真漂亮! 之前有聽說過這個熱氣球節,就覺得挺有意思的,現在看到第一手報導,而且還有這麼多照片,真是不錯。

Ross on the Road 提到...

to yaoyaoa: 不要再耿耿了,留點東西下次去才有新鮮的可以看嘛!!
to Wei-jen: 有機會去走走囉,每年都是在十月初的頭兩個週末舉行,一個早上的門票才$6,值得一看。

匿名 提到...


Ross on the Road 提到...

to wren: 謝謝誇獎,這趟去真的是拍得過癮,和大家分享囉!

匿名 提到...

Hi Ross,

I am a big fan of blueblueseattle and found your old web. Also read about your precious love.

I understand it is tough to say goodbye to the love of your life after so many years. I don’t know what happened between you and squirrel but pretty sure it happened for a reason.

But maybe it just happened to strengthen your love. No perfect love, please remember it won’t exist. Why I write this? Because I believe in your bonding and love for each other far pass the new budding. You are the one to each other!

Both of you are so special. Please let go the past and do it with your whole heart to win her back.

All the blessing go to you and her!


Ross on the Road 提到...

Hi Amy:
I appreciate that you left a message and expressed your thought and feeling about my personal relationship because it could be intimidating to say something sensitive to someone you don't really know.
I do cherish my previous relationship and thank her for being with me for those years. It's no doubt about that. I become a stronger and better person because of her and I believe she feels the same way. And you are right, everything happens for a reason. However, when we've tried and things were going out of our control, we've also learned to follow our hearts and move on. As for squirrel, she has found someone she loves and is getting married this spring. I look forward to that and wish her the best with her future. Moreover, I don't believe it's fair for you, or anyone, to judge who I have stronger bonding with. Different space and time also deter us from making those statements. It's just not fair and you may owe my girlfriend an apology for saying that. By the way, I don't really "talk" my personal relationship in public, so hope this satisfies your curiosity and let's just stop here.
Thanks again for your concern and welcome to my world.